Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

my lovely hometown

padang panjang is the cold city,

very wonderful city

i really love my small hometown

there are may place to visit

1. cagar alam lembah anai
Lembah Anai di Padang Panjang

2. panorama pandai sikek
Panorama di Pandai Sikek

3. air terjun lembah anai

Lengangnya Lembah Anai Padangpanjang
Lengangnya Lembah Anai PadangpanjangLengangnya Lembah Anai PadangpanjangLengangnya Lembah Anai Padangpanjang

expensive movie ^^

Jenny Nayar (Shahana Goswami), an employee of the UK-based company Barron Industries, introduces a new technology that allows objects from the digital world to enter the real world. Shekhar Subramanium (Shahrukh Khan), who also works for the company and has delivered a spate of commercial failures, is given a final chance to devise a video game which will actually succeed. In order to impress his skeptical son Prateek (Armaan Verma), and upon the request of his wife Sonia (Kareena Kapoor), Subramanium uses his son's idea that the antagonist should be more powerful than the protagonist.
Shekhar's work colleague Akashi (Tom Wu) provides the motion capture–based movements of the game characters, while Jenny does the programming. Jenny uses Shekhar's face as a model for the face of the game's protagonist (G.One), whilst the antagonist (Ra.One) is faceless. The game, titled "Ra.One", has three levels; either of the players can only be killed in the third level using a special gun that holds a single bullet. While designing the game, Akashi notices malfunctions in the game's functioning but ignores them. When the game is finally launched, it receives a standing ovation and Prateek loves it so much that he insists on playing it instantly. He logs in under the alias "Lucifer" and proceeds to the second level, but is interrupted by Akashi. Ra.One, being unable to end his turn with Lucifer, becomes determined that Lucifer shall die.
When the mainframe fails to shut down, Akashi calls Shekhar, who notices a problem with the game. Ra.One uses the initially introduced technology to enter the real world, kills Akashi and goes to find Lucifer. Shekhar, realizing that something is amiss, rushes home but is blocked by Ra.One on the way. In an attempt to save his son, Shekhar claims that he is Lucifer. However, Ra.One scans Shekhar's I.D. and kills him for lying. Later, Prateek notices the strange circumstances of his father's death and realises that Ra.One has come to life. He and Jenny attempt to bring G.One to life. Meanwhile, Sonia tells Prateek that the family will return to India. Having taken the form of Akashi, Ra.One chases them, but G.One enters the real world through Jenny's computer and causes a gas explosion which saves them and destroys Ra.One. G.One takes Ra.One's H.A.R.T., without which Ra.One is powerless. Sonia realizes she cannot leave G.One and takes him along with them to India using Shekhar's passport. G.One promises Sonia that he will protect Prateek from harm. Subsequently, Ra.One returns to life, takes the form of a billboard model (Arjun Rampal), and goes after G.One and Prateek.
During Prateek's birthday party, Ra.One hypnotises Sonia, assumes her form and kidnaps Prateek. Ra.One then instructs G.One to give him his H.A.R.T. back, and sends the real Sonia in an uncontrollable Mumbai Suburban Railway train. The train crashes into the Chatrapati Shivaji Terminus and destroys it, but G.One saves Sonia just before the crash. He returns to save Prateek. The game resumes, with Prateek controlling G.One. Following a fight, both of the characters reach the third level. With little power left, G.One and Prateek trick Ra.One into shooting G.One without his H.A.R.T. attached, leaving Ra.One helpless. Furious, Ra.One creates ten copies of himself. Prateek, unable to differentiate the real Ra.One, asks G.One to quote one of Shekhar's sayings: "बुराई संग जो मेल रचाया, फिर कभी न छूटे उसका साया" ("If you join the forces of evil, its shadows shall always follow you"). The pair realise that only one of the ten Ra.Ones has a shadow: the original one. G.One shoots and destroys him, and after absorbing Ra.One's remains, transports himself back into the game's world. Several months later, Prateek and Sonia return to the UK, where Prateek finally manages to restore G.One to the real world.

stay health

Tip #1. Eat a Nutritious Breakfast
After a long nights sleep it is important to refuel. It will help you do better in school. Some ideas for quick, healthy breakfast: Peanut butter on toasted whole-grain bread, Yogurt with fruit, Cheese slices on toast, and Fruit on cereals.
Tip #2. Eat a variety of foods.
Your body needs nutrients and many different vitamins and minerals from a variety of foods. Balancing food choices from the Food Guide Pyramid and checking nutrition labels will help you to get the nutrients you need.

Tip #3. Get moving....don’t be a couch potato
Walk, bike or jog when going somewhere. Climb stairs instead of taking an escalator. Try to do something active for a total of 30 minutes every day.

Tip #4. Participate in activities you enjoy.
Always start with warm-ups to get the muscles going. Do 20 minutes of an aerobic activity followed by activities that will make you stronger like push-ups or sit-ups.

Tip #5. Choose healthy snacks.
It is wise to choose snacks from different food groups. Some choices would be: graham crackers, an apple or celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins.

Apples are a Good Snack
Tip #6. Include whole grains and fiber in your diet.
Try breads such as whole-wheat, bagels and pita. Spaghetti and oatmeal are also good choices.

Tip #7. Participate in physical activities at school.
This would include physical education and sports. It will make you feel good about yourself.

Tip #8. Drink plenty of water.
Your body is 65% water. That shows how important water is to your body. Make sure you drink a total of 8 glasses of water each day. That can inlcude the water from foods such as fruits.

Tip #9. Include others in your activities.
Take a dog for a walk. Walk or workout with a friend.

Tip #10. Having FUN is important.
Try new things, this can be in activities or food. Never be afraid to try....who knows you might just like it. And your body will thank you in the end.

we can stay health until end

the beautiful place in west sumatera

if you want to go on vacation you can use one of this places...

check this out

1. carocok beach

2. puncak lawang

3. maninjau

4. sikuai

which one you wanna try??



lovely family,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I miss you so much

i miss your cooked

crying cry emo goth gothic

stand up comedy

“Stand-up comedy is a comedic style. Usually, a comedian performs in front of a live audience, speaking directly to them. The performer is commonly known as a comic, stand-up comic, stand-up comedian or simply a stand-up. Their performances are sometimes filmed for later release via DVD, the internet, and television” (Oliver Double, 1997). In this kind of comedy the comedian usually recites a fast-paced succession of humorous stories, short jokes called "bits", and one-liners, which constitute what is typically called a monologue, routine or act. Everybody can do it with their own style and when we do that activity we can get sense of humor in our daily life. Therefore, stand-up comedy must be accepted in our country because it gives advantages for people.
Stand-up comedy serve us the new entertainment, this is very young entertainment in our country because it’s just known since 2010. Stand-up comedy makes us more relax with the joke and make people get interesting entertainment. “Some stand-up comedians use props, music or magic tricks to enhance their acts” (Wikipedia, 2012). Like Tzimis Panousis from Germany, he often encompasses stand-up comedy performances between his songs during live concerts and hge also use of profane language and his satirical comments. On the other hand, their satirical comment can hurt many people that they explain in their story or just name of one people that do worst things in their life. They can be shame of their self and in their neighborhood; they cannot faced their friend and other relatives.
“Stand-up is an art form that is openly devoted to getting immediate laughs from an audience above all else, unlike theatrical comedy which creates comedy within the structure of a play with amusing characters and situations” (Wikipedia, 2012). In stand-up comedy, comedian must have big strange to deliver his story because in Wikipedia I found that “stand-up comedy, feedback of the audience is instant and crucial for the comedian's act. Audiences expect a stand-up comic to provide a steady stream of laughs, and a performer is always under great pressure to deliver”. Stand-up comedy often centers on social and political satire, play on words or imitations. For example, Jean-Marie Bigard, whose heavy reliance on blue humor had him branded as a vulgar comedian at the beginning of his career. But, sometimes the stories in stand-up comedy have sense of sex that is not allowed for children or teenager. Parents always aware of things that related to their children and when they know that they children watch stand up show which is give bad effect for their children.
Based on the reason above, we can conclude that stand-up comedy can refresh our mind directly because it have sense of humor, funny joke and many else. Comedians give comment about politics or many other problems in our country, sometimes with satirical comment. All of their comment just for fun and entertain their audience because they just do that on the stage and it finish on the stage too. In stand-up comedy very needs feedback from the audience to prove that the audience like it, some of audience like the blue humor that serve by the comedians but this humor just for adult and not allowed for children. We can control what kind of show that our children watch and we never have to worried about them. Stand-up comedy just for fun, relax and refresh our mind and kind of stand-up comedy that we want to see can we manage and control it by our selve, so we do not have to worried at all.